Sustainable toilet paper from The Good Roll

In Zeayou Zeeland hotels

One of Zeayou Zeeland’s priorities is to be a sustainable, eco-conscious company! And we’re achieving this goal in big, and small, ways. We recently added a new and sustainable option in our hotels; toilet paper from The Good Roll.

Toilet paper from The Good Roll in Zeayou Zeeland hotels

Every step that we take is important. Switching to a different brand of toilet paper in our hotels was a fairly simple step, but very effective. We all use toilet paper every day. By changing to The Good Roll, Zeayou Zeeland is another step closer to its goal of becoming a sustainable business.

Tissues from The Good Roll

When we do something, we do it right! We don’t just offer The Good Roll toilet paper—we use their tissues, too. In all our hotels, you’ll find The Good Roll boxes of tissues everywhere! Colourful boxes in a variety of designs, with eco-friendly paper tissues. Tissues that are super soft and strong, 100% plastic-free, chemical-free and 100% tree-friendly.

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The Good Roll

The Good Roll is the maker of recycled toilet paper. They have a clear mission: Safe and clean toilets for everyone! The Good Roll invests 50% of their net profit in building toilets in various countries in Africa.

The Good Roll originated from a shared frustration. There are 2.3 billion people worldwide who do not have access to safe and clean toilets, one third (!) of the world's population. In addition, 270,000 trees are cut down every day for the production of toilet paper.

Shocking figures if you ask The Good Roll. So shocking that they inspired the company to develop The Good Roll; an initiative to tackle both problems. A unique Dutch win-win concept: a 100% tree-friendly toilet roll, made from recycled paper with which we want to give as many people as possible access to safe and clean toilets.

Source: The Good Roll

Zeayou Zeeland